> Subject00X: - smoothed_mdata.mat: Output of marsbar & spm tools. Voxels are labelled with their anatomical regions. Fields of smoothed_mdata.mat : - regions <1 x # of regions>: Cell array each entry of which contains region details (voxel time-series, coordinates, etc.). - Y <# of samples x # of regions>: Average time-series of the voxels in each region. - combined_smoothed_mdata.mat: Data from each region in smooth_mdata.mat is combined into a single matrix. Fields of combined_smoothed_mdata.mat : - coordinates <# of voxels x 3>: X, Y, Z positions of the voxels. - data <# of voxels x # of samples>: fMRI measurements. - runSampleInfo <# of samples x 1>: Information of experimental runs to which a sample belongs. - sizeOfRegions <# of regions x 1>: # of voxels in each anatomical region. - voxelRegionLabels <# of voxels x 1>: Anatomical region label of each voxel. > Regressors: Contains regressor files for each run of the experiment. - regressors_runX <# of classes x # of samples in that run>: Regressor information indicating that at which samples stimuli are presented. Each row corresponds to a stimulus class. Consecutive 1's means that a stimulus is presented during 2 sample duration (4 seconds in our case).